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    • Fondots@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      My dad has a '93 ranger, 4 cylinder engine, long (7ft) bed, single cab, RWD.

      It is the yardstick I measure all trucks against, and damn near all of them come up short.

      It gets pretty damn close to 20mpg, which isn’t half bad compared to a lot of trucks 30 years newer.

      I’ve never felt like I needed more bed, there’s been the odd occasion where an 8ft bed would’ve been nice, but not totally necessary, but I’ve absolutely never felt any desire for a shorter bed. What good is a pickup truck you can’t use to move a couch?

      It doesn’t get used for any towing, or serious hauling heavy shit, but it’s carried plenty of loads of camping gear for a few dozen boy scouts, the occasional small load of firewood, etc. I wouldn’t want to load it up with a bed full of gravel, but for the kind of thing the average homeowner/outdoorsman does, it’s plenty of truck.

      An extended cab would be nice sometimes, but realistically 90% of the time it’s just me, and most of the rest of the time it’s me and 1 other person or a dog. When the situation really calls for it though, it’s got a bench seat, and you can squeeze a 3rd person in there (I don’t recommend 2 people and a dog though)

      The only 2 things I can really knock it for are

      That little engine does not go fast. It’s 0-60 time is probably best expressed as “eventually.” Although once with a long stretch of empty highway I did manage to nudge it up a bit past the 85mph that the speedometer goes up to, it was a little terrifying, everything shook and rattled, but it made it out in one piece.

      It is terrible in any kind of bad weather or loose gravel/dirt. There is no weight over those rear wheels if you’re not carrying anything, 4wd would not be unwelcome sometimes.

      If some company would come out with basically that exact truck with just a few modern upgrades, I’d buy one in a heartbeat. The new rangers and such are practically the same size as the f150s of this truck’s era, and most perplexingly to me, I don’t think anyone makes them with a 7ft bed. With modern engines, I’m sure they could cram an engine in there that gets better MPG and even a bit of a performance increase to do a little bit of light towing and so the truck can get out of its own way. Single cabs are kind of a rarity these days, and even the extended cabs seem like they’re being phased out for a full crew cab. For the like 3 times a year I have more than 1 other person in my car, they can suck it up and sit in the middle of a bench or in a jump seat in the back.

      I got my fingers crossed that in a few years maybe we’ll see some more variations fson the maverick. That truck is about the right size for me if they would give me a little more bed space, and I’m really hoping for an AWD plug in hybrid version at some point.