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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’ll wait for the financial analysts that I both trust, and I know hate Musk, before I have any confidence in answering that question.

    But… My best guess is that it’s less fanboy worship, and more fear that Musk is the only thing propping up the insane stock price.

    I’m assuming that Musk has a very complex web of possibly illegal and highly engineered financial instruments that keep that stock pumping, or at least, not crashing - yet.

    Maybe those who voted to approve might be aware, or involved, in that house of cards and believe removing Musk would be akin to blowing on it.

    But I’m just pulling all of this out of my ass, so who knows. It might be as simple as the majority of Tesla shareholders who voted, including the institutional one’s, are really just submental morons.

  • I don’t think they’re making a moral argument, but pointing out the reality of the situation as it stands.

    This is a problem that can only be fixed through legislation and aggressive enforcement backed by large punitive actions.

    Until that happens, it’s better to acknowledge and understand the reality of the situation, than to believe that a morally righteous condemnation will somehow unmake that reality.

    It sucks. I agree with your philosophical stance, except for the payment for personal data, as I’d prefer a complete opt-out. However, none of that changes where we’re at right now.

  • I got as far as the second paragraph, which consists of the following quote from a Google VP:

    “I’m not going to talk about Recall, but I think the reason that some people feel it’s creepy is when it doesn’t feel useful, and it doesn’t feel like something they initiated or that they get a clear benefit from it”

    That’s somehow worse than I imagined. I can at least understand being intentionally sinister, or overtly anti-privacy, but that level of delusion is somehow actually more terrifying.

  • lol.

    Just search for Purism customer support experiences.

    I’m honestly amazed there hasn’t been a fraud, or some other consumer protection type criminal investigation.

    All that baggage, and their hardware is also laughably outdated and overpriced.

    Which is unfortunate, because the concept is amazing and clearly there’s a sizable market for it.

    Here is an example of just ONE flavor of Purism customer experiences:

    Announce current gen hardware and current pricing.

    Customer pays

    Customer receives hardware 5 years later, after being told approx. 362 times that cancellation refunds are down, or unable to be processed.

    Customer tries to immediately return the 5 year old laptop that was just delivered and is told “No Returns”

    There are other variations that you can read about on various forums.

  • I maintain one baremetal Windows install that gets fairly regular use. It’s on a business class workstation with a legit Windows 10 pro license.

    Recently, I had to wipe and reset and goddamn do they try and trick you into choosing all the worst spyware settings AND even if you successfully duck and weave past them, they’ll just cheat and enable them, or reinstall shit like co-pilot during an update.

    They just made me sign into that shitty M365 app to install legit subscription Office, and on the next reboot, it converted my local user account into an online user account.

    Make no mistake, Recall is going to be enabled by hook, or by crook, for the vast majority of Windows 11 users in due time. No matter how times they disable it, or opt out.

  • Energy generation has constraints, whether it’s fuel, processing requirements, or the infrastructure’s generation capacity.

    At best, this is proof of concept that will revolutionize the environmental impacts of Big Tech’s new and even more environmentally damaging data centers.

    But we’ve seen that dog and pony show countless times whenever the environmental cost of data centers gets too much press.

    This is most likely just a cynical PR prop to wave around, as the rest of the AI facilities aren’t run so “greenly”.

  • You are leaving out the historical context of hyper violent insane independent action for honor mindset of the soldiers within the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy (IJA/IJN).

    This culture of insubordination included a widespread belief that they did not to have obey civilian commands, and is largely responsible for ground level soldiers deciding on their own to kick off the war in Manchuria.

    It’s entirely reasonable to envision a counterfactual version where either one of, or both the IJA and IJN refuse to surrender, or even just large contingents within either.

    I’m not saying this to invalidate anything you’ve said, but I do think it’s highly relevant context when considering any alternative ways that could have gone.