If you have any inclination, I suggest that you delve into the world of hand-rolled cigars made of premium tobacco. I regret that I did not until a little over a year ago.
If you have any inclination, I suggest that you delve into the world of hand-rolled cigars made of premium tobacco. I regret that I did not until a little over a year ago.
February 13, 2025
Brush: Chisel & Hound Gulf Short 26mm V22 Fanchurian
Razor: Koraat 6/8" Full Hollow
Lather: Elysian Soap Shop - Olympus - Soap
Aftershave: Elysian Soap Shop - Olympus - Aftershave
Fragrance: Elysian Soap Shop - Olympus - Eau de Parfum
Talc: Pinaud Clubman Finest Powder
3 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
Olympus is one of those fragrances that provides a light, airy, feeling that rides over a warm base that has a touch of spice. Very well blended. Although I’m posting late, this was a great way to start my day.
February 12, 2025
Brush: Brad Sears Arley 26mm Super Badger
Razor: Filarmonica 13 Novodur 6/8" Full Hollow
Lather: Declaration Grooming - Darkfall - Soap
Aftershave: Declaration Grooming - Darkfall - Aftershave
Talc: Pinaud Clubman Finest Powder
3 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
Great shave! The last two days I have done 3-pass shaves. Really, I don’t get much better results than I do with my optimized 2-pass pattern, but it is a nice change.
February 11, 2025
Brush: Wald Stratos Haunter 29mm A1
Razor: Dovo Bismarck 6/8" Full Hollow Round Point
Lather: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Roman Spice - Soap
Aftershave: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Roman Spice - Aftershave
Fragrance: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Roman Spice - Eau de Toilette
3 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
I was in the mood for something bright and refreshing today. Roman Spice was a perfect fit.
15er; ;)
And, great photo!
Of the many CB soaps I wish I had, this one is towards the top of the list. Perhaps you know that Connecticut Shade is a type of tobacco grown in Connecticut and used mostly for cigar wrappers. Higher quality Connecticut Shade cigars are known for being smooth and creamy. My favorite for those (very rare) occasions when I have a cigar with my morning coffee.
lol! Very good!
February 10, 2025
Brush: Wald Nimbus Chryselephantine 29mm A1 Fan
Razor: ERN 6/8 French Point Full Hollow
Lather: Wholly Kaw - Entropy Man - Soap
Aftershave: Wholly Kaw - Entropy Man - Aftershave
Fragrance: Wholly Kaw - Entropy Man - Eau de Toilette
Talc: Yardley Gold
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
I enjoyed this setup so much yesterday, I decided to use it again today. The only change I made was the brush.
All I can say is, “Get the EdT”. I sincerely doubt you will be disappointed.
On Reddit, I was asked what fragrance was like this one. I could not come up with one that was close. Can you?
February 9, 2025
Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts with Declaration Grooming B10
Razor: ERN 6/8 French Point Full Hollow
Lather: Wholly Kaw - Entropy Man - Soap
Aftershave: Wholly Kaw - Entropy Man - Aftershave
Fragrance: Wholly Kaw - Entropy Man - Eau de Toilette
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
This was my first use of the full Entropy Man trifecta. Wow! It was also a test shave for the coticule edge that I put on this razor yesterday. The edge performed magnificently. It gave me a very comfortable, BBS shave.
I bought my full tub on the re-release. Hopefully, it will come around again.
If you have this one and Barrister and Mann Sandalwood, you have a lot of this scent’s ground covered. Often, this time of year, I prefer the darker, woodier, Sandalwood, but I really enjoyed this setup for this shave.
February 7, 2025
Brush: WSP Stubby 26mm Extra Dense HMW
Razor: Thiers Issard Évidé Sonnant 6/8" Extra Hollow
Lather: Barrister and Mann - Marilyn - Soap
Aftershave: Barrister and Mann - Marilyn - Aftershave
Fragrance: Barrister and Mann - Marilyn - Eau de Toilette
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
As a scent, Marilyn continues to grow on me. I did not think it was particularly special when I first tried it. Then, with subsequent use, I started becoming aware of some of the nuances. Adding the EdT really helped me to appreciate the work Will put into this. Today’s use was yet another step forward. I had time to enjoy the scent evolve from soap to splash to EdT. This one is still tough for me to recommend, but I’ve found that I enjoy it.
February 6, 2025
Brush: Chisel & Hound Lost Nativ 26mm Fanchurian V13
Razor: Frederick Reynolds “The Celebrated” 4/8 Hollow Ground
Lather: Zingari Man - The Traditionalist - Soap
Aftershave: Zingari Man - The Traditionalist - Aftershave
Talc: Yardley Gold
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
Great shave with a vintage razor and a traditional soap scent.
Yes. I think that is a great assessment. I have done nagura slurries on a Black Arkansas with great result, and I think the Green Shadow might be close in hardness to the Black Ark.
February 5, 2025
Brush: Chisel & Hound Classic 26mm V23 Fanchurian
Razor: Thiers Issard Le Transatlantic 7/8" Full Hollow Round Point
Lather: Subtle Art Soap Co. - Maple Bourbon - Soap
Aftershave: Wholly Kaw - Amber Bomba - Toner
Talc: Yardley Classic
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
New soap company for me. I tried Citrus Bay Rum yesterday and learned that I like the soap base a lot. Very easy to lather and has a rich creamy feel. Maple Bourbon is a very nice scent. I expected the bourbon note to be stronger and darker, but it is definitely there. Very nice fragrance.
Today’s shave was a test of a new Escher edge on my Le Transatlantique. Complete success. The edge was keen and the feel was comfortable.
February 4, 2025
Brush: Chisel & Hound Classic 26mm V23 Fanchurian
Razor: Puma 89 11/16 Full Hollow
Lather: Subtle Art Soap Co. - Citrus Bay Rum - Soap
Aftershave: Subtle Art Soap Co. - Citrus Bay Rum - Aftershave
Talc: Yardley Gold
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
This was my first use of a Subtle Art soap. The soap base has 3 butters and kaolin clay so it is smooth and creamy. Takes water very well.
I’m a sucker for Bay Rum scents. This one has a punch to it that reminds me of Captain’s Choice Bay Rum. This one seems to be a little more refined, but I haven’t compared them side by side yet.
This Puma has a Black Shadow edge on it. I recently watched a YT video of someone using the Green Shadow stone; which is finer and intended for use after the Black Shadow. I wanted to evaluate the edge to determine if I would even want a more refined edge. My conclusion after a very comfortable, BBS shave was that I don’t feel extra refinement is necessary.
February 14, 2025
Brush: Elite Razor Honduran Rosewood Burl 24mm HMW Fan
Razor: Thiers Issard Le Transatlantic 7/8" Full Hollow Round Point
Lather: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Leather - Soap
Aftershave: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Leather - Aftershave
Fragrance: Floris of London - Santal - Eau de Toilette
3 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
This was my first use of Seaforth! Leather. Bangin’!