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  • gcgallant
    9 months ago

    January 17, 2024 – Black Watchday

    • Brush: Wald Stratos Goldvein 29mm A1 Fan

    • Razor: Filarmonica 13 Novodur 13/16" Para Profesionales Full Hollow

    • Lather: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Black Watch - Soap

    • Toner: Thayers - Rose - Toner

    • Aftershave: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Black Watch - Aftershave

    • Fragrance: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Black Watch - Eau de Toilette

    • Talc: Yardley Gold
      2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.

    I have not had a Black Watch Wednesday for a while now but I thoroughly enjoyed this one! Such a terrific product suite.

    Today’s Fili 13 (6/8) has a Nakayama Jnat edge that is ultra sharp, and in today’s shave, I was finally able to discern differences between edge finishes. Yesterday, I used a Dubl Duck Goldedge (5/8). It is also ultra sharp but has a Coticule/Black Arkansas finish. Both edges are extremely comfortable but the Jnat edge is soft in a way that the apex is almost indiscernible whereas the Cot/Ark edge is soft but with the apex more present. I think most people would prefer the Jnat edge because its softness conveys a feeling of safety. To me, the Cot/Ark edge gave me the feeling of a natural edge that is not harsh or uncomfortable but, as mentioned, has more presence. Fascinating.