Post your shave of the day for Monday!

  • gcgallant
    1 year ago

    July 3, 2023

    2 passes. Bowl lather. Excellent shave.

    Not a lot to say today. This was a very nice Lather Games theme. It reminded me to use Almond Crème which I’ve had for a long time, and like a lot, but forget to use.

    The MK 31 Söderfors is a very special razor. Admittedly, I chose it because of its cream-colored scales to add “crème” to the photo. I have another, more typical, MK 31 which is excellent, but this one is truly special. It has ivory scales that are thinner and more delicate than the typical celluloid scales and the blade feels lighter as well. I think this one has a deeper hollow grind because it sings a bit more, yet it has that Swedish steel feel. I’m hoarding this one. It is so good that I’m on the lookout for another one that I can keep as a backup.