Post your shave of the day for Tuesday!

  • HomeAwayFromHone
    2 years ago
    • Razor: Ever-Ready Streamline
    • Lather: B&M Fern
    • Brush: Muhle 23mm Synth
    • Blade: PTFE (4)

    I rarely post a SotD, not sure I ever have on Reddit, only now and then at B&B. But somehow I feel motivated by this new place. This was last night (June 13th somewhere!) and a bit of a rush so no straight but the Streamline with a blade in the sweet spot was certainly no hardship! I actually had put off grabbing one of these since people didn’t seem to highlight the shave particularly and while it’s cool looking I wasn’t about to splash out just for that. Glad I bumped into a user-grade one because it instantly tied my Clog-pruf for favourite Gem shave. Bit milder but not so very much as the newer ones and, while I don’t mind light razors and find some modern ones a bit heavy, the heft here is just right.