Good shave: the Puma has the same buttered toast feedback like the Star razor – which is quite nice. I don’t get as close a shave with this razor as with other straights I have, but I might have to improve the edge. But it delivers good comfortable shaves. And I notice that this year, I have only used my Russian Bear more often than the Puma. Animal spirits!
Primidi 21 Ventôse an 233 de la Révolution, jour de Mandragore: Zingari Zischtig
Good shave: the Puma has the same buttered toast feedback like the Star razor – which is quite nice. I don’t get as close a shave with this razor as with other straights I have, but I might have to improve the edge. But it delivers good comfortable shaves. And I notice that this year, I have only used my Russian Bear more often than the Puma. Animal spirits!
Have a good evening!
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I’m hunting a Puma 91 High Class. 6/8, full hollow, faux tortoise shell scales, and lots of bling.
Good hunting!
I’m on it!