Share your Austere August shave of the day for Monday!

  • djundjilaMA
    1 year ago

    The Twenty-Eighth Day Of Weckoning is upon us

    • Brush: Rubberset 400-3 with a 26 mm unbleached Zenith boar knot at 56 mm loft
    • Razor: Weck Sextoblade Med Prep
    • Blade: Kismet Rostfrei, Polymer beschichtet (34)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann – Oceana
    • Post Shave: Ralon – Original
    • Fragrance: Stirling Soap Co. – Island Man

    The final Austere August Monday is here, time for a few early Weckonclusions:

    1. Djudging by the number of complaints, the Weckoning was a much more difficult challenge than the MMOC challenges of years prior. Many got comfortable with the Weck format, but by far not all.
    2. The Weck is scary: 19 would-be Weckonistas started the challenge, and a quarter of them immediately gave up after one day. Only 2 more gave up since, with a round dozen still in the running. I feel a weirdly misplaced sense of pride for those 12 to stuck to it. (Granted, with,, and @myself, at least one third were Weckerans already).
    3. I made a good choice with my software: I’m still enjoying that whiff of Oceana, Ralon, and Island Man every morning.
    4. The speed Wecking trend that briefly flared up has died down again without any injuries (at least publicly), for which I am very grateful.

    Three passes, good shave, this week can start.
