Welcome to the WetShaving Lemmy community! This is the place to ask beginner and simple questions. Some examples include:

  • Soap, scent, or gear recommendations
  • Favorite scents, bases, etc
  • Where to buy certain items
  • Identification of a razor you just bought
  • Troubleshooting shaving issues such as cuts, poor lather, and technique

Please note these are examples and any questions for the sub should be posted here.

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  • gcgallant
    1 year ago

    I suggest you make sure the stone is flat, start with a thin slurry on the stone, and use the sharpie trick to see where you are, and aren’t, abrading metal.

    wondering if I suck completely at honing

    I have 15 years experience freehand sharpening knives of all types (and scissors, chisels, planes, etc.) on water stones and about a year and a half of focus on sharpening razors (which are much easier, btw). And, I have taught people how to sharpen. Even though it’s just rubbing metal on a rock, there’s feel and nuance to sharpening on stones that only comes with experience that can’t be conveyed on a YouTube video. With some patience and practice, I think it is a very approachable skill that most people can do well.