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  • gcgallant
    10 months ago

    November 20, 2023

    • Brush: Grizzly Bay Shire 26mm V18 Fanchurian

    • Razor: Wade & Butcher 7/8" Fine India Steel

    • Lather: House of Mammoth - Beloved - Soap

    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Beloved - Splash

    • Post Shave: Thayers - Lavender - Toner

    • Talc: Pinaud Clubman

    This razor has an edge that is less keen than most of my others yet it provides a very comfortable DFS shave easily. With an edge like this, there’s an additional feeling of safety. I am aware that a lot of very experienced straight shavers prefer an edge that is not overly sharp. I have been struggling with this concept because my preference is for an edge that is extremely sharp but feels soft and velvety; and I only started to really crack that nut in September. There’s a lot to learn.

    So far this month I have used Hygge, Tobacconist, Alive, Indigo and Beloved. Before the month ends (and a benefit I get from BBS November), I will use 福 (Fú Dào), Shire 2, Smash, Sonder, and Almond Leather. Every HoM scent I have is distinctive, and I thoroughly enjoy all of them, but Beloved is, somehow, special. The scent recalls feelings of comfort, safety, and coziness. That’s a pretty tall order for a shaving soap and splash. There’s a subtle lavender note that some might not like, but I think it is perfectly placed. To me, this one’s a masterpiece. Kudos u/mammothben!