I’m curious whether that’s a transient or terminal state
We’ll see. A “great shave” with a straight is certainly more fulfilling for me, than one with other razor types. Do you see yourself tiring of your Frio 14 or Fili 14?
Do you see yourself tiring of your Frio 14 or Fili 14?
No, but I didn’t really tire of my wolfies, Micromatics, repeaters, injectors, and Rollses either. When I added a new type of razor to the mix, it used to just become one more option, now, I just… use them less frequently than the open blades.
We’ll see. A “great shave” with a straight is certainly more fulfilling for me, than one with other razor types. Do you see yourself tiring of your Frio 14 or Fili 14?
No, but I didn’t really tire of my wolfies, Micromatics, repeaters, injectors, and Rollses either. When I added a new type of razor to the mix, it used to just become one more option, now, I just… use them less frequently than the open blades.
I think about thinning my DE collection a little bit as a result of my burgeoning collection of straights. We’ll see if I actually do that.
Cr@p! Out of sight, out of mind! I owe you a package.
Oh, oops 😅
It also slipped my mind