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  • gcgallant
    6 months ago

    December 29, 2023

    • Brush: Wolfman WRB2 Bronze w/AP Shave Co MiG 26mm Premium Hybrid

    • Razor: Dubl Duck 5/8" Full Hollow

    • Lather: Noble Otter - Ace - Soap

    • Toner: Thayers - Cucumber - Toner

    • Aftershave: Noble Otter - Ace - Aftershave

    • Talc: Yardley Gold
      3 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.

    I like all of the Noble Otter “Card” series that I’ve tried (Ace, Jack, Joker). To me, they have slightly milder than medium scent strength but the scent is strong enough that I can find the notes. Ace is the darkest of the scents. I have no experience of the Akigalawood or arnica scent notes it has but I find the overall scent woody and very interesting.

    Today’s shave was a test shave of this Dubl Duck Goldedge razor. I did a refresh of the edge last night. I’m thoroughly pleased with the result of the honing. The edge is super sharp but also very comfortable. It doesn’t feel like a synthetic edge or a Jnat edge though. It is its own thing. I did the honing with a coticule and Black Arkansas stone sequence. I have very little experience with either of these stones so I have a lot to learn.

    I made a video as I honed this razor. If you watch it, feel free to ask questions or make comments here.

    I was amazed that people watched my last video and am extremely grateful for the feedback I received. I won’t be slighted or upset if you don’t watch this one. I’m sure you have better things to do.

    • djundjilaMA
      6 months ago

      Looking forward to watching the video, thanks for making another one!