Share your shave of the day!

If you’re participating in the Lather Games on the other website, here’s the theme description for today:


"Product must be marketed and labeled as a cream.  Not soap, not soft soap, not croap; CREAM.  Don't get cute with it.
Note: Products marketed as ""cream soap"" from any company other than Catie's Bubbles will be subject to judge discretion."
  • djundjilaMA
    4 months ago


    • Brush: Zenith - 506 N XS (extra soft horse) #HORSESASS
    • Razor: Razorock - Hawk V3 (standard plate)
    • Blade: Feather - Professional
    • Lather: Lea - Classic
    • Post Shave: Lea - Classic
    • Fragrance: Sir - Irisch Moos

    Theme: It’s a cream!

    Relevant post & frag: Lea is the fresh little mossy brother of Irisch Moos. (Moss being the link)

    Challenge: Sigh, every year I think I should do an elaborate show of all my stuff, and every year I’m short on time on Den Tour Day. Even worse, I have absolutely no excuse because 1) Den Tour Day happens every year, so anyone could have prepared it beforehand, and 2) I chose the date for this challenge, so I even had specific knowledge about when this would happen weeks ago. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Have some poor pictures of my den storage.

    • gcgallant
      4 months ago

      Have some poor pictures of my den storage.

      Yeah! Jeez! :) I guess I’ll be lenient with criticism based on fatherhood and working grounds.