Share your shave of the day!

If you’re following along with the Lather Games at the other website, today’s theme is:

Fougère Friday

"Product scent must demonstrably be a fougère (one of the most prevalent fragrance families in men's fashion).  It should be marketed as a fougère or classified as one on a reputable site.
Note: The mere presence of lavender, coumarin, and oakmoss in a product does not make it a fougère (nor does their absence necessarily rule the category out)!  Ask an expert ahead of time if in doubt.
Caveat: WK Fern Concerto is not eligible for this theme because of reasons.  Just ignore that one."
  • gcgallant
    9 days ago

    Like drinking Champagne out of a Waterford champagne glass instead of a paper cup. Sort of along those lines :)