🎉🎉🎉🎉 It’s Friday!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

The topic of this discussion is: anything.

Anything exciting going on in your life? Things got you down? Did you try a new recipe that you’d like to share? etc.

  • DaveWave94
    2 months ago

    My cold has worsened despite taking some measurements to improve my health again. The only positive outcome: originally I had two short late shifts planned this weekend (4 hours from 16:00 to 20:00) - thankfully, those were cancelled since a lot of our residents at the nursing home are sick too and my superiors didn’t want that we spread infections too much.

    So I have a free weekend ahead of me before nursing school resumes on Monday. Apart from grocery shopping, I’ll spend it mostly inside. Gaming, preparing for school and the exams and putting together a new laundry collection system I got will be my tasks for this newly won free time. For the new year, I try to live more ecologically/eco-friendly and organise my belongings in a ADHD-friendly way. I actually read a few books to help with those issues atm and I feel like I should be on a good way. What do you folks have planned for the weekend?

    • snooting
      1 month ago

      Sorry to hear that you’re sick, but some extra time off is always welcome imo.

      I don’t have much planned for this weekend. Need to get out for a couple runs, one of which should be my weekly long run. Weather looks like it will be good over the weekend so I’m looking forward to it.

      Otherwise probably just games, chores, and job applications.

      • DaveWave94
        1 month ago

        Yeah, being sick sucks but at least it gave me a bit more free time 😅

        Sounds like good plans! Interesting that your weather is good enough for a run - yesterday we had snow in the flatlands for the first time. Hope you’ll have success with the job applications!