Make a beeline for the location of a billionaire CEO.
I’ve always been on about this! A suicial assassin is an unstoppable force. A man that has nothing to lose is a dangerous one. Two bullets n’ a gun, you’re taking someone with you to hell. They can’t question you, sentance you, shame you, and if you killed some popular enough guy you’ll go down in history. If you’re client has the capacity they can even pay your family.
Kiss my wife, hug my family members, cuddle with my chicken and enjoy some tunes.
When you say “cuddle with my chicken”, is that a euphemism for spanking the monkey?
Nope, it’s an actual chicken. She’s cuddly when she’s in the right mood.
May I see it?
One is her awake, the other is her when she settled in for a cuddle nap. The background of the sleepy one is colored in because I don’t show pictures of my house, not because there’s a wall of porn or anything.
Well, she is quite cuddly, I’ll give you that
I still get shocked at having a chicken as a companion sometimes. She’ll hop up and nestle in like that, and it’s just surreal lol.
When you say “tunes” do you mean cartoons or music?
Music, though I’m down with some toons as well :)
The secret ingredient… is #Crime 😎
What are they gonna do? Kill me?
Go through all my RPG saves and use all the super powerful items I’ve been “saving” to finally see what they all do.
Procrastinate while doom scrolling
Research life insurance policies, transfer my clients to other providers, and move everything important into my partner’s name (car title, utilities, etc) and create a list of all my passwords and such for her.
Just covering all the logistics would probably take most of the day, and I’d wanna clean and organize all my stuff/our apartment so she’s not stuck with that too.
I’d probably try to get about an hour on the phone with each of my immediate family members while I clean and organize.
Hopefully I’d have a few hours left to spend with my partner in the evening, which I imagine we’d mostly spend crying together
Also I’d max out my credit cards on online orders for stuff for my partner, friends, and family
This is the most responsible one so far.
Honor Luigi.
Run command
/gamemode 1
I’d probably do a bunch of MDMA and just head to the beach or somewhere in nature and have a blast.
I haven’t done drugs in over a decade and probably won’t ever get back into them, but man if I knew I only had 24 hours left I’d be back in a heartbeat.
The same exact thing I’m gonna do without that knowledge.
Enjoy the day together with my wife.A good number of people would die at my hands. Too many bad actors wrecking people I love lives to be left alone if I can give a good use to my final hour.
At this point I’ve already long since been dead inside, so it’s well past time that my body finally joined my spirit. At least I’d go out happier knowing that I wouldn’t actually have to live through the second coming of Repugnican-induced hell - a.k.a. “this time we’re gonna hit the ground running and do our damnedest to thoroughly destroy what’s left of the country in under four years.”
Go blow myself up at some politician
Where do you get the bomb?
Ita not that hard to make one, it’s p simple I’ve made some small scale stuff for new year
Would I know it’s my last day? If so, skip work and take a nap. If not, work then take a nap.
Make sure my wife is on top of our finances as possible and figure out and start disability paperwork and direction for her to take to try and survive.
You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.
It is what it is but I sure hope I don’t go before her as she is massively screwed at that point.
Same boat here. My spouse has numerous health issues that are mostly manageable, but the physical limitations make employment difficult and the Medicaid health plans are such as PITA to deal with that they may as well not be there. My spouse has extremely low self-esteem breast into them since childhood by an asshole stepfather (that over two decades I’ve only minimally been able to improve), and thus no drive to fight for the help that is needed. Me going would likely mean the end for both of us.
Funny because my wife’s dad (its her actual one, well as far as we know) was sorta a misogynist and she to has esteem issues. We have been together for awhile so not as bad but it never completely goes away. Curiously when we dated I recognized her dad was sorta like my mom who myself and my siblings thought was just awful but admittedly, given a choice, its worse for it to be the dad. Its a very weird situation for me because on my own I have done very well education and job wise. So well that as a family we do decently if not high on the hog (which is really a big deal given the expenses). All the same it would take so little to fall apart mainly due to expenses. Right now Im unemployed (was let go mid late september which I find is a really bad time just before a crazy pres election that goes into holidays) and between looking for work im constantly trying to figure out how long we can go without me working. We are getting older and when I do the math on retirement its not going to work. I dunno again its so weird because im simultaneously really successful and yet really… well you know.