Atlas Shaves Theme:

1776 by Wholly Kaw

Notes: Artemisia, Tarragon, Osmanthus, Musk, Grapefruit, Cedar, Labdanum, Tonka Bean, Benzoin, Patchouli

  • sahenders
    1 month ago

    Atlas Shaves II - Day 16

    • Brush: Grizzly Bay Fireball 26mm Declaration Grooming B15 Badger Knot
    • Razor: Blutt Rasur BR-1 0.99
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum [20]
    • Lather: Wholly Kaw - Vor V - Soap
    • Post Shave: Wholly Kaw - Vor V - Splash
    • Fragrance: Wholly Kaw - Vor V - Eau de Toilette

    I went with Vor V for the Wholly Kaw artisan points–incredible scent, excellent shave.

    Category Δ
    Daily theme soap 24 0
    Artisan 36 +4
    Scenter 0 0
    Half of the scent notes 6 0
    Airbudding the day 0 0
    Cross posting 16 +1
    Snitching 0 0
    Snitching incorrectly 0 0
    Goody Two-Shoes 10 +1
    Total 92 +6