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  • gcgallant
    8 months ago

    February 4, 2024

    • Brush: Chisel & Hound Gulf Short 26mm V22 Fanchurian

    • Razor: River Razor 14 8/8" Full Hollow

    • Lather: E&S Rasage - Azur - Soap

    • Toner: Thayers - Rose - Toner

    • Aftershave: E&S Rasage - Azur - Aftershave

    • Fragrance: Creed Silver Mountain Water

    • Talc: Pinaud Clubman Finest Powder
      2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.

    That was among the closest 2-pass shaves I’ve had. Super comfortable. The E&S soap base is good. It does the job. The aquatic scent of Azur is killer. That feeling of sun and sea on a Mediterranean beach felt great on a winter’s day here in Maryland.

    I picked a French soap and French fragrance because the razor I used was made in France. The River Razors 14 is a custom that was made for me by Boris De Riviere. Boris is a dedicated and passionate craftsman who does terrific work, and who is a pleasure to deal with. Is this the “Best Shaving Razor Ever Made”? Well, it’s damn good! However, it is made in the “14” form factor that some famous razors of the past used; most notably the Filarmónica 14. I have 4 razors in the “14” form factor and they’re all damn good.

    Today’s shave was a test shave. I have been using the shave-ready edge on this razor but decided to put my own edge on it. The result was a great success. The new edge feels safe, comfortable and smooth. Almost delicate and silky.

    I made a video of the honing if you’re interested. This is a long video because I pressed “Record” then rambled on about sharpening topics as I honed the razor. There are discussions of taping the spine, of what the different sharpening strokes do, and of how stropping works. I even do some knife sharpening in there. [Totally inappropriate! I know]. If you choose to watch this thing, thank you, in advance.