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  • gcgallant
    7 months ago

    March 7, 2024

    2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.

    Heather produces a wonderful soap base for shaving with a straight razor and her splashes and balms are terrific as well. From my perspective her Zingari Man products punch way above their weight.

    Today’s shave was actually a test shave. This is the fourth time I’ve used the Iwasaki, and after the last shave, I wondered if I could push the performance of the edge which was already excellent. But … you never know until you try, so I took it back to the stones and pushed record on the camera. I was absolutely convinced that I would feel no difference between this shave and my previous shaves with this razor, however, this shave was a tiny bit more comfortable and a tiny bit closer than my previous ones. This razor is now at similar comfort and closeness as a freshly honed Fili 14; and I don’t know of a higher standard.