I see a few cakes next to usernames (my cake day is June 10th).

It has been an interesting year, so thanks for hanging in there!

This Lemmy instance is a nice place to hang out, so here’s to many more!

I worked on the database stuff some more today and didn’t have any luck with getting federation of comments working again. I decided to upgrade the server to the new release, 0.19.4 even though it’s so new, with hopes that it might jump start some federation stuff – and so far it hasn’t! finally got federation back to a working state, at least so it seems, maybe?! Thanks @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me.

The new version has some neat new features, though.

Under your profile you can click “Uploads” and see all of the pictures you’ve uploaded. Some of them seem to be “lost”, but that’s par for the course. You can even delete the pictures. Yay!

  • PorkButtsNTaters666
    18 days ago

    it would be nice to Reddit slowly die

    I was wondering if we couldn’t try to do something on our level about this. We have quite some spillover from Reddit to our lemmy (Lather Games, AA, Theme Thursdays) – and if I remember well, someone complained about this – but there’s no spillover from us to Reddit. If there were any, this might remind some of the residents over there that we exist. The main issue is that we don’t have any instance specific events. It would be good if we had something (ideally: periodical, and which does not enter in competition with r/WetShaving events)

    Maybe a weekly “Just Lemmy Shave” Day (you will find a better title) which obviously could not be Thursday, and whose themes would be chosen in advance just like Theme Thursdays ?

    Or any better ideas?

    • waldenOPMA
      18 days ago

      Yeah we definitely lack the “fun days” and contests. I struggle enough to get the daily post to fire off let alone get stuff like that going haha.

      That’s not to say someone else can’t start a photo contest, etc. I’m happy to update the banner, etc if there are winners.

    • DaveWave94
      17 days ago

      We have quite some spillover from Reddit to our lemmy (Lather Games, AA, Theme Thursdays) – and if I remember well, someone complained about this […]

      You remember very well. It was me who complained about this 😅
      The problem is, in my personal and honest opinion, that random visitors from other federated instances will be simply dumbfounded by reading something like “totally on theme today” in a SOTD post on Thursday. Which theme? Unless you know that it’s something from Reddit, you’ll simply be perplexed. Hell, even I am confused since I don’t look at Reddit anymore since I’ve deleted my account. Personally I don’t believe we will have much turnover from old members of the subreddit - most aren’t really keen on the idea of a new platform. There was already controversy when, god forbid, someone opened a Discord server for the sub instead of relying on the old internet chat giant ICQ.

      I totally agree about periodical events that don’t clash with the Reddit sub. Maybe we could try Wednesday or Friday, Saturday? The only titles I can come up with are atrocious though 🤷🏻‍♂️
      “Lemmy do it for you” 😂

      There was also the discussion that we need more unique and informative standalone posts - like articles, reviews, essays, etc.
      But I honestly don’t have the time, commitment and energy atm to produce something worthwhile here. But for a single themed day I could definitely get my shit together and participate regularly even with a busy life currently.

      • PorkButtsNTaters666
        17 days ago

        It was me who complained about this 😅

        I’m sorry: I thought I would have remembered if it was you 😅

        I don’t believe we will have much turnover from old members of the subreddit - most aren’t really keen on the idea of a new platform

        There were indeed a few who were strongly opposed, and we will never get those, but there were also a few who initially posted here, but found it too boring with too little interaction during the time before we got our new management (yay @walden@sub.wetshaving.social 🎆 🎆 🎆). @whosgotthepudding@sub.wetshaving.social came back, but most never did – but I believe that some can be reached.

        • waldenOPMA
          17 days ago

          Don’t forget @djundjila@sub.wetshaving.social!

        • DaveWave94
          16 days ago

          (Apologies for the late reply, internet connection over here is unstable.)
          Hey, no need to be sorry! I don’t mind, just wanted to confirm that I had this minor complaint 😉

          I see now. Unfortunately I didn’t get around to sign up here for a long time since tbh signing up on a federated instance is a bit more complicated than usual logins on centralised networks. Walden definitely does a terrific job in managing our instance over here. Whosgotthepudding is definitely good to see around here too, especially since they are a regular SOTD poster with great photos! I wouldn’t mind having some folks from Reddit over here, but judging by the fact that a few where always strongly opposed to new platforms and the strong negative reaction towards migrating the sub I didn’t have much hope tbh. If some folks can still be reached it’d be really cool.

    • djundjilaMA
      17 days ago

      One thing I really enjoyed while making the Audio Book Club Shaves podcasts was the coordinated group shaves.

      It’s different from Theme Thursdays in that it needs prep. In essence:

      1. People propose soaps they want to “discuss”.
      2. Popular proposals get selected (presumably by Lemmy vote?).
      3. The person who proposes a selected soap sends smushes to the participants.
      4. We shave with the soap all on the same day, sharing our experience.

      It sounds more complicated than it is, and it creates a strong group event feeling.

      It would also have the spillover effect you mentioned over to Reddit in the form of @walden@sub.wetshaving.social’s, @gcgallant@sub.wetshaving.social’s, @sahenders@sub.wetshaving.social’s, @whosgotthepudding@sub.wetshaving.social’s and my SOTD posts (assuming they’d participate) because we still regularly post in both forums.


        • djundjilaMA
          17 days ago

          Should we give it a go in July?

          The only concern I have is that quite a few of us might do AA so after one edition, there would already be a break, but that’s a minor obstacle

          • PorkButtsNTaters666
            17 days ago

            Let’s do this!

            And a pause in August is not that much of an issue, IMO. Eversthing shuts down in August.

            How should we procede for nominating a soap?

            • djundjilaMA
              17 days ago

              How about we choose a working title (wetshaving.social, maybe?) and sketch out the idea in a stand-alone post to get everyone’s input?

              Basically, we need to agree on

              1. a date for the group shave (probably best to choose a Wednesday, Saturday, or Sunday, to avoid clashing with Mammoth Monday, Tabac Tuesday, Theme Thursday, or Fougère Friday.)
              2. a cutoff date by which to choose the soap so we have enough time for smushes to reach the particpants (2 weeks before? 3?)
              3. start a pinned voting thread.

              What do you think?

      • gcgallant
        17 days ago

        I think that this is an excellent idea. To show activities over here that are attractive to the typical r/wetshaving nerd.

      • waldenOPMA
        17 days ago

        Ha, I never knew how that worked. I just heard “podcast” and assumed you all shaved together during the podcast like those fellas on YouTube sometimes.

        I like this a lot more than that option!

        • djundjilaMA
          17 days ago

          Oh yeah, we shaved together on the podcast. I’m proposing a less involved adaptation of the concept for the lemmy 😅