Share your shave of the day for Sunday!

  • waldenMA
    1 year ago

    September 17, 2023

    • Brush: Summer Break Soaps w/Maggard 28mm Silvertip Badger
    • Razor: Chiseled Face - Legacy Raw Titanium (#69)
    • Blade: My-Blades (1)
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Ozark Mountain - Soap
    • Post Shave: Chatillon Lux - Delor de Treget
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Damocles - EdP

    A YouTube influencer sent me some of these blades to try. Thanks u/visceralwatch!

    For my intial impression, I tried to ignore the fact that this is a marketing company who makes razor blades, what with the focus on being eco-friendly, approved by “barbers”, etc.

    I’ve heard from one source that these are made in Germany, but the only source I could find to support that is the fact that the company is based in Berlin. It’s possible that they are made elsewhere, and I’m sure once they are brought to market we’ll have more information. The person who told me “Germany” does have the packaging, so if they’re marked “Made in Germany”, that’s good. I tend to like blades that are made there for whatever reason.

    On to the shave - it was honestly quite nice. First impression is that these are good mild blades. Not all blades work for me in the Chiseled Face Legacy, but these did work quite well. I look forward to trying it in a few more razors and seeing how long they last me.

    They’re currently only available via an indigogo campaign, and won’t ship until next month. The indigogo is $25 for 100 blades.

    • gcgallant
      1 year ago

      VisceralWatch mentioned these to me too. Based on the high marketing content and low technical content on indigogo I was certain they would be bad. I’m impressed that both you and he like them and look forward to comparisons with the traditional DE favorites.