Atlas Shaves Theme:
Yuzu/Rose/Patchouli by Chatillon Lux
Notes: yuzu, rose, patchouli
Tomorrow’s Atlas Shaves Theme:
Pomander by Catie’s Bubbles
Notes: orange, clove
February 13, 2025
Brush: Chisel & Hound Gulf Short 26mm V22 Fanchurian
Razor: Koraat 6/8" Full Hollow
Lather: Elysian Soap Shop - Olympus - Soap
Aftershave: Elysian Soap Shop - Olympus - Aftershave
Fragrance: Elysian Soap Shop - Olympus - Eau de Parfum
Talc: Pinaud Clubman Finest Powder
3 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
Olympus is one of those fragrances that provides a light, airy, feeling that rides over a warm base that has a touch of spice. Very well blended. Although I’m posting late, this was a great way to start my day.
Feb. 13, 2025
- Brush: Chisel & Hound Pueblo W/ 26mm Knight Knot
- Razor: Max Sprecher Paua Scales 1/2 Hallow Barber’s Notch 9/8
- Blade: Edge By Max Sprecher [3]
- Lather: Catie’s Bubbles - V - Soap
- Post Shave: Catie’s Bubbles - V - Aftershave
- Fragrance: Catie’s Bubbles - V
Day 13 of Atlas Shaves. I could have used DG YRP to get the 6 points today, but the CB Atlas streak and overall streak is more important! 46th day in a row of Bubbles Soap.
Today’s points.
Daily Theme Soap 0.
Half scent notes 2.
Airbud 0.
Cross posting 1.
Good neighborhood 1.
Day total 4.
Overall total 58.
Catie’s count.
Day 1 Florentine Fern.
Day 2 Ménage a Lavande.
Day 3 Valley of Fire.
Day 4 Lancaster Leather.
Day 5 Le Piment de La Vie.
Day 6 Azure.
Day 7 Waterlyptus.
Day 8 Revolution (AirBud).
Day 9 Retreat.
Day 10 Le Nude (Sample).
Day 11 Connecticut Shade.
Day 12 Mille Chypre.
Day 13 V.
Impressive commitment!
- lather: Declaration Grooming - Yuzu/Rose/Patchouli
Atlas daily points: 6 points for daily theme soap +1 for pointing out a typo in adworried’s sotd +1 for crossposting on lemmy and reddit
Atlas cumulative points: 58
I like that brush handle. That little pipe detail is wonderful
That whole C&H x Briar Brushworks drop was so good
Atlas Shaves II - Day 13
- Brush: Trotter Handcrafts Souls 26mm Manchurian T1 Badger Knot
- Razor: Blutt Rasur BR-1 0.99
- Blade: Gillette Platinum [19]
- Lather: Declaration Grooming/Chatillon Lux - Yuzu/Rose/Patchouli - Soap
- Post Shave: Chatillon Lux - Yuzu/Rose/Patchouli - Toner
- Fragrance: Chatillon Lux - Yuzu/Rose/Patchouli - Eau de Toilette
This might be the most ubiquitous selection by LatherBot yet, but I’m not complaining because getting points for using Y/R/P is always a good thing.
Category ∑ Δ Daily theme soap 24 +6 Artisan 24 0 Scenter 0 0 Half of the scent notes 6 0 Airbudding the day 0 0 Cross posting 13 +1 Snitching 0 0 Snitching incorrectly 0 0 Goody Two-Shoes 8 +1 Total 75 +8 Day 13 of Atlas Shaves 2 – Electric Boogaloo Thu 13 Feb 2025
- Brush: Zenith 506B MB (27 mm × 51 mm Manchurian badger)
- Razor: Dovo 41 Inox
- Lather: Chatillon Lux / Declaration Grooming – Yuzu/Rose/Patchouli
- Post Shave: Chatillon Lux / Declaration Grooming – Yuzu/Rose/Patchouli
- Fragrance: Chatillon Lux – Yuzu/Rose/Patchouli
YRP! Second soap match of these Atlas Shaves for me, and a favourite of mine for warmer weather. Today is a rainy winter day in the Lake Geneva area, but with YRP I’ll just pretend happily.
Road to Victory:
Category ∑ Δ Daily theme soap 12 +6 Artisan 24 0 Scenter 0 0 Half of the scent notes 8 0 Airbudding the day 1 0 Cross posting 13 +1 Snitching 5 +1 Snitching incorrectly 0 0 Goody Two-Shoes 12 +1 Total 75 +9 We’re tied today 🍻
Oh yeah! 🍻
Thursday, February 13, 2025: Atlas Shaves 2 - Day 13
- Brush: Rad Dinosaur Creations “Stardust” - TurnNShave 26mm shoat
- Razor: Yates Precision Manufacturing - 921-M
- Blade: Gillette - Perma-Sharp (1)
- Lather: Declaration Grooming - After the Rain
- Post Shave: Declaration Grooming - After the Rain Aftershave splash
- Post Shave: Ginger’s Garden - Unscented Aftershave balm (+ menthol)
- Fragrance: Barrister and Mann - Fougère Aromatique EdT
Easy lather with the DG bison base, though after almost a week of GEM shaves I felt like I had to work harder with the 921-M. Great results in the end though.
I can tell I will get along well with this shoat knot. It’s still a little poky and needs breaking in, but it already felt great.
+4 points for soap from the same artisan
+1 point for cross-posting
+1 point for engaging yesterdayTotal points (59 previous + 6): 65
February 13, 2025
- Brush: L’Occitane Plisson Synthetic
- Razor: Gillette Tech (Z-4)
- Blade: Personna 74 (20)
- Lather: Chiseled Face - Gearhead - Soap
- Post Shave: Pinaud - Clubman Special Reserve - Aftershave
- Post Shave: House of Mammoth/Declaration Grooming - Cerberus - Liniment
- Fragrance: Spearhead – Seaforth! Leather – EdP
Lots of good smells today. I’m planning on going to Advance Auto Parts today, so Gearhead was in order.